The Past Perfect Subjunctive

The Past Perfect Subjunctive

The Past Perfect Subjunctive Hakkında Bilgi

  1  –  Ielts Sınavı ( Ielts Sınavı için birebir Özel Ders )
2 –  Ielts Sınavı ( Ielts Sınavı için 4 kişilik Grup Dersi )

İelts Sınavı hazırlık çalışmalarında yararlı bilgiler

The Past Perfect Subjunctive

1 ) In conditional clauses : 
We use third conditional clauses to express supposition or unreal situations relating to the past :
If she had known it was mt birthday, she would have definitely come to my party.
= She didnt know it was my birthday, so she didint come to my party.

2 ) After as if / as though :
We can use as if / as though to express an imaginary action in the past :
The actress shouted as if she had really been shot.
= Altough the actress wasnt shot, she acted very realistically.   

3 ) After I wish :
We use I wish / wished to express regret referring to the past.

I wish I had studied enough before the exam.
= I am sorry as I didnt study enough before the exam.

4 ) After if only ( = I wish ) :
If only you had worn the seat – belt, but you didnt.
= I wish you had worn the seat – belt. 

Exercise 1 . Rewrite these sentences, using the words in brackets to make subjunctive sentences and make necessary changes.

1 ) It is vital every citicez have health insurance. ( that )
It is vital that every citizen have health insurance.
2 ) The boss insisted on the workers being punctual. ( that )
3 ) It is important for a student to pass all his exams so as not to repeat the class. ( that )
4 ) I want you to be respectful to your techers. ( It is our wish that )
5 ) There must be an official doctor in every village. ( if only )
6 ) My grandmother didnt stay with us. ( I wish )
7 ) I want you to do your homework by yourselves. (I’d rather )
8 ) Although he was poor, he behaves as a rich man. ( as if )
9 ) I was so busy. I couldnt go on holiday. ( if )
10 ) He went to the dentist because he had a toothache. ( if )
11 ) I didnt see them, so I didnt greet him. ( if )
12 ) I want my children tol ive in their own houses. (I’d sooner )
13 ) Imagine you are going to travel, where will you go ? (suppose that )
14 ) The doctor urged him yo have an operation soon. ( that )
15 ) It is necessary for you to take some private lessons to improve your English. ( that )
16 ) I told you to stop smoking, but you didnt. ( if only )

Exercise 2. Rewrite these sentences in the subjunctive, using the words in brackets. 

1 )  ‘ I think everyone should go to scholl. ’ ( necessary )
It is necessary that everyone go to school.
2 ) 
‘ I must see the manager. ‘ ( She demanded )

3 ) ‘ Pleasw go to the police, Ali. ‘ ( He urged )
4 ) ‘ We want you to be happy. ‘ ( our wish ) 
5 ) ‘ You should open a bank account, Mr Taş ‘ ( I recommended )
6 ) ‘ You must apply for a visa at once. ‘ ( essential )
7 ) ‘ I’d like to work in a different department. ‘ ( She requested )
8 ) ‘ Your husband must have an operation immediately ‘ ( vital )
9 ) ‘ The company would like Ayşse to work in Japan for one year. ‘ ( desirable )
10 ) ‘ Arzu, I want you to come home by 10 pm. ‘ ( Arzu’s mother insisted )
11 ) ‘ Why dont you do agree in business studies ? ‘ ( His teacher suggested )
12 ) ‘ You should always be true to yourself. ‘ ( important )
13 ) ‘ The Prime Minister thinks that a general election should be held next year. ‘ ( She proposed )
14 ) ‘The time has come to pay your tax. ‘ (It’s time )

The Past Perfect Subjunctive


Exercise 3. Rewrite the sentences in the subjunctive, using the words in brackets. Pay attention to the tense of the sentence given.

1 )  I may give you my car. ( Supposing )
Supposing I gave you my car, what would you do ?
2 ) He acts like he’s the boss, but he isnt. ( as if )
3 ) I would prefer we go to France than Italy. ( would rather )
4 ) Slow down ! You nearly knocked over that old woman. ( suppose )
5 ) He should know how to cook, he’s 24 ! ( high time )
6 ) I dream about living in Europe. ( wish )
7 ) I regret lying to my parents. ( if only )
8 ) She was offered a good job she refused it. ( She wishes)
9 ) How can I go to university ? I work in my father’s shop. ( if only )
10 ) She acts like she’s a famous singer, but she isnt. ( as though )

The Past Perfect Subjunctive